Become a Mindful Self-Massage Facilitator

The world needs more caring touch. 

Mindful Self-Massage is a powerful and transformative way to share self-care with an online community that feels the results right away. It is highly rewarding and meaningful, as clients discover the treasure that has been hiding in their own hands.

Not only will you learn the exercises, methods and sequences of Mindful Self-Massage, benefiting from it greatly yourself... You will also learn how to launch your courses, get comfortable in front of a camera (or a live audience) and get advice for your new online service. 

Raphael Lavoie-Brand, founder of the approach, is currently preparing the comprehensive facilitator training including live and pre-recorded content. 

Sign up below to be the first to know when it will be offered.

You will be able to share more about yourself by filling a form on the next page. 

Join the Facilitator Training Email List!

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